Infographics: Progress of BiH in period 2010 - 2014, with an overview on regional position

04 August 2014




CPU is publishing infographics with results of a research created within project "Promoting political accountability" on its social network profiles. Infographics visualize conclusions of analyses in concise and comprehensible way, comparing progress of BiH with countries in the region.

Infographics are produced to be used by the wider public, in order to help voters to evaluate work results of current government and to determine key challenges for future decision makers. It is from utmost importance for political parties to participate in rational and evidence based debates during pre-election period and to focus their pre-election agendas on concrete solutions for accumulated economic and social challenges in the country.

Infographics are also useful for media and CSOs in presenting these important topics to the public.

Infographics can be found on our Twitter account and Facebook page.

23 June

Response to Crisis: Maximizing telecoms’ contribution to the economic recovery and digital transformation in BiH

The conference is organized by Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU), supported by Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) US. Structured in two panels, this conference brings together decision makers, representatives of the telecom industry and international expertise.

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20 May

Round table „Bh creative industries – Startup for creative entrepreneurs"“

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4 February

Round table: "reform and modernization of State aid as a precondition for economic development"

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