Bosnia and Herzegovina Circular Economy White Paper

To prevent catastrophic consequences of accelerated resource consumption for the humanity, societies and economies across the world have been adopting structural changes in order to reduce their environmental impact. With its 2020 Green Deal, the EU puts climate change in the epicentre of their long-term development plans, thus making commitment to become the carbon neutral continent by 2050. Transition to circular economy is an important element of this plan...


Case Study Implementation of Circular Economy Business Models in BiH

Business organizations’ approaches to circular economy are based on the concept of circular business model that “articulates the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value to its broader range of stakeholders while minimizing ecological and social costs.” In this Case Study we used five business models taken by different companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina...


Maximizing Telecom Operators' Contribution to Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation in BiH

Recently, with the support of the Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) from the USA, the Center for Policy and Governance organized a conference entitled "Crisis Response: Maximizing Telecom Operators' Contribution to Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation in BiH". The following text holds the key information presented at the conference.


The International Conference „Response to Crisis: Maximizing Telecoms' Contribution to the Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation in BiH“ Held in Sarajevo

Read the key conclusions of the conference „Response to Crisis: Maximizing Telecoms' Contribution to the Economic Recovery and Digital Transformation in BiH“!


Response to crisis: How to maximize the contribution of telecoms to the economic recovery in FBiH?

How to improve the quality and affordability of services? What is an optimal/expected contribution of telecoms to productivity gains and digital economy development? What are expected financial and fiscal implications/benefits to the economy and citizens of telecom operations in FBiH? What are the necessary deregulations to support effective sector development?


Report of meeting with members of the House of Representatives of the FBiH Parliament on the topic of tax reforms

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020, in Hotel Europa in Sarajevo, Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) organized a working meetig of their parliamentary group on the topic of tax reform, or rather the Draft Law on Income Tax of FBiH and the Law on Contributions of FBiH which the FBiH Government sent to the parliamentary procedure


Systematic approach to health care system reforms?

Special attention in newly adopted reform documents is paid to health care system reform in both entities which is one of the top priorities in this mandate. Unlike the Reform Agenda which treated the health care system reform as part of the area “Public finances, taxation and fiscal sustainability”, its 2.0. version defines measures in the health care area through separate part entitled “Comprehensive reform and improved quality of health care system”. Read more.


The Extended Fund Facility program between BiH and IMF: No implementation of new measures since July 2017

Since July 2017, the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina have not fulfilled any measures from the Extended Arrangement with the IMF. Out of seven measures that are required for the second tranche of the loan, BiH institutions have implemented or they have adhered to three of them, while the other four have remained unfulfilled.


Strengthening the Financial Sector

The analysis shows research on how the banking sector in B&H can improve economic growth, and how sector reforms contained in the Extended Fund Facility program with IMF can influence on credit expansion and the stability of the financial sector.


In Focus


The raw materials market has seen significant changes in recent years, driven by shifts in global demand, technological advances, and geopolitical factors. These changes have a profound impact on the growth of demand and prices of key critical raw materials (lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and rare earth materials) needed by the fast-growing renewable energy, consumer electronics, and automotive industries.


Carbon (CO2) pricing is a fiscal instrument that governments use to encourage companies and other emitters to switch to renewable energy sources and adopt new technologies to reduce emissions, to achieve national and international climate goals. There are two main types of carbon pricing: emissions trading systems (ETS) and CO2 taxes. The CO2 tax directly determines the price of CO2 emissions, while the ETS sets the upper limit of CO2 emissions in certain sectors, requiring a permit for each ton of CO2 emitted. The choice of a combination of instruments and modalities for charging carbon emissions depends on political goals and circumstances and is only one of the necessary instruments for achieving national and international climate goals. CO2 price helps shift the burden of damage onto those who are responsible for it and who can reduce it.


Use of natural materials has been growing continuously in the world. With the current growth rates and population increase rates, global demand will in 2050 require resources of three planets like ours. Current increase in demand, limited supply of certain resources and disrupted supply chain cause a significant increase in prices and threaten to give rise to a new economic crisis, demonstrating the fact that the current models of the use of resources are far from being sustainable, while they may potentially cause instability.


Business organizations approaches to circular economy are based on the concept of circular business model that “articulates the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value to its broader range of stakeholders while minimizing ecological and social costs.”

Sve publikacije
23 June

Response to Crisis: Maximizing telecoms’ contribution to the economic recovery and digital transformation in BiH

The conference is organized by Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU), supported by Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) US. Structured in two panels, this conference brings together decision makers, representatives of the telecom industry and international expertise.

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20 May

Round table „Bh creative industries – Startup for creative entrepreneurs"“

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4 February

Round table: "reform and modernization of State aid as a precondition for economic development"

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