Completed Projects

The Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) and Heinrich Böll Stiftung BiH (HBS) have launched the EUROAD initiative. The aim of the initiative is to contribute to the ongoing debate on short and mid term European integration perspectives for Bosnia and Herzegovina; both on a local and European level. This goal will be accomplished through creation and promotion of constructive solutions in this area. The EUROAD promotes the involvement of independent analysts, civil society representatives, and the think tank community in debates on the European future of the country. 

Project duration: January – December, 2010.

Based on round tables and meetings held within the EUROAD Initiative, the EUROAD Policy Note has been composed. The note contains recommendations from local analysts for possible strategy of international community toward BiH in the following period. 

The document is available here


The Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) and National Endowment for Democracy (NED) have initiated the project “Policy Monitoring Index”. The goal of the project is to assess efficiency of policy implementation processes at various government levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through regular monitoring and review of the public policymaking and implementation processes, CPU will provide better insight into government activities. CPU will also conduct extensive media outreach activities to promote the results of its finding.

Project duration: April - October, 2010


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) has started with implementation of the project “Municipal Solid Waste Management Program in BiH”, where the Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) is monitoring the project implementation. Planned activities within the project include analyzing program documents, monitoring implementation of work plan and activities, assessing weather municipalities fully understand and are ready to fulfil all terms of the cooperation, and monitoring accomplishment of all milestones and predefined outcomes.

Project duration: March, 2010 – December, 2011


The Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) and Method Consulting have created the study "ROAD TO RECOVERY: Effects of the Economic Crisis and Mid-term Development Perspectives in EU and BiH". 

The main objective of the document is to inform general public and decision makers on the effects of the economic crisis in the EU countries and BiH, as well as on the sets of planned and undertaken measures with the goal of finding a way out of the crisis in the EU and BiH. The document contains a set of comprehensive recommendations aimed at improving the existing measures in BiH, in addition to the measures which will have effects on the mid-term development perspectives of the country. 

Summary of the document is available here

Complete document is available here


The Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) is in the process of creating the White paper for encouraging innovation and creativity in primary schools in BiH. The goal of this research project is to identify the main deficiencies and obstacles for achieving higher-quality environment that supports innovation and creativity within the students, which will be attained through analysis of current situation in primary education. The second goal of the project is to propose strategic directions for enabling primary schools to develop creativity and innovation skills within the students. Creation of this paper is supported by Open Society Fund BiH.

Project duration: December, 2009 – May, 2010


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) has started with implementation of the project “Municipal Solid Waste Management Program in BiH”, where the Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU) is monitoring the project implementation. Planned activities within the project include analyzing program documents, monitoring implementation of work plan and activities, assessing weather municipalities fully understand and are ready to fulfil all terms of the cooperation, and monitoring accomplishment of all milestones and predefined outcomes.

Project duration: March, 2010 – December, 2011


Within the programme "Road to Recovery", the Centre for policy and governance is continuing its cooperation with National Endowment for Democracy (NED) on the project “Policy Monitoring Index”, which was implemented last year. 

While the previous project assessed policies implementation progress in the sectors of energy, human capital and private sector development for the past four-years in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the new one will provide deeper or more specific insight into the three examined areas plus into additional sector of EU integration, and give recommendations to the newly formed government as to what are optimal activities and policies which should be undertaken in order to progress notably in the aforementioned sectors. Project findings and recommendations will be promoted and presented to the public through various activities.


CPU will continue to promote the project, public debate on policies affecting the country’s democratic transition and EU integration, and advocate for their implementation.  

The Center for Policy and Governance (CPU) will use renewed Endowment support to continue promoting public debate on policies affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina’s democratic transition and EU integration. Through an analysis and a review of public policymaking and implementation processes, the CPU will initiate an open debate about and solicit expert input on specific policies of major importance for the country’s EU accession. The CPU will produce policy papers and conduct a series of outreach activities to advocate for the implementation of its recommendations.

Project duration: April 2012-March 2013


In May 2013, Centre for Policy and Governance started with implementation of the project Implementation of BH Law on State Aid and better distribution of grants. The project will last until February 2014. Key activities: development of analyses and policy paper, several round table for all interested parties in the process. The round tables will be held in Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka.

Implementation of this project has been enabled by the generous support of the American people through the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo. All views, opinions and conclusions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the position of the U.S. Embassy or the U.S. Government, but only author's.




Within the project „Promoting political accountability and democratic development by advocating evidence based policy debates in the election process in BiH“, CPU will support mobilization of civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina (including media), with an aim to advocate for more political accountability, by initiating and promoting social and economic policy debates before and after the elections. By creating situational analyses in defined sectors (energetics, competitiveness, employment), CPU will enable NGOs and media to initiate pre-election debates based on evidence and concrete solutions in mentioned areas.

We want to encourage discussions concerning the resolution of the economic and social challenges such as unemployment, state-building, privatization and market development, and the process of integration to the EU and NATO. After the elections, we will advocate for coalitions based on similar ideologies / programmes and monitor the implementation of policies and programs of the new government.

This project is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). 

Project duration: 1 May 2014 - 30 April 2015


Under the project “Monitoring of the implementation of the Compact for Growth and Jobs“, CPU will continuously be promoting and advocating the implementation of reform measures as defined in the Compact. We will also offer professional opinion and support of its experts all with the aim to create an atmosphere in which public officials will constantly be reminded of reform priorities. CPU will be advocating a transparent and responsible implementation of reforms which are of public interest and which can leave an impact on the economy. The enactment of new ones and re-amendments of the existing law and bylaw acts, which shall regulate work taxation, administrative barriers in business startup, creating of the all-encompassing enterprise registers and social protection system, is what we find especially important. We will be offering relevant analyses, which shall leave space for reform acting to decision makers. Finally, we will be working on providing space for the economic questions and challenges to get public attention through intensive cooperation with media.

Project is supported by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Project duration: June 01, 2015 – December 31, 2015.

Project budget: $35,000.


Official Project Title: Promoting Debate on Key Public Policies

The Center for Policy and Governance (CPU) will continue promoting public debate on policies affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina’s democratic transition. Through analyzing public policymaking and implementation processes, the CPU will promote open debate on specific policies of major importance for the country’s development, while simultaneously holding decision-makers accountable for their implementation. The CPU will organize 10 public, evidence-based debates titled “ReForum” that will focus on solutions offered by the Reform Agenda – a blueprint for socio-economic reforms developed by the government and the international community.

In light of the country’s 2014 social unrest, a renewed Euro-Atlantic focus on socio-economic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina is particularly important, given that a lack of such reforms was at the root of the social dissatisfaction against the political establishment. The CPU will therefore continue to monitor and assess plans, activities, and progress made by the government under the Reform Agenda.

Project is supported by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Project duration: April 01, 2016.  - March 31, 2017.

Project budget:: $45,000.


The Center for Policy and Governance (CPU) will continue promoting public debate on policies affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina’s democratic transition. Through analyzing public policymaking and implementation processes, the CPU will promote open debate on specific policies of major importance for the country’s development, while simultaneously holding decision-makers accountable for their implementation.

The overall goal of the project is to support timely and steady implementation of the IMF Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Center for Policy and Governance will monitor the implementation of the IMF Program Objectives and Policy Discussions/Measures listed in the Letter of Intent. CPU will inform the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina about the performance of domestic authorities in the implementation of the Program. Additionally, CPU will, where possible, assess whether policies adopted during the Program are in line with the recommendations of the relevant international partners (the IMF, the EU, and the WB). Where this approach is not applicable, the CPU will start the public or hold expert debates in order to assess the quality of the proposed legislation and implications of their adoption.

Project duration: April 01, 2017 – March 31, 2018

Project budget: 49.835 USD


In the run up to the 2018 elections, Zasto Ne and CPU will connect with local CSOs in order to offer locally owned solutions to the country’s key socio-economic challenges. They will also align the country’s key political parties toward discussion of the peoples’ concerns and conduct the associated public outreach. In this regard, Zasto Ne and CPU will implement the following activities:

1.       Identification of relevant stakeholders and key socio-economic challenges
2.       Providing support to the main political parties and educating voters
3.       Launch of the Tax Calculator 2.0

Project duration: 
October 01, 2017 - September 30, 2018 

The overall objective of this project is to address the problem of shadow economy in selected Western Balkans countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro) by acquiring and presenting data on public attitudes toward informal labor and illicit trade of high-excise goods, as well as by promoting good practices and advocating for creation of comprehensive prevention and combat strategies. The Project will address two specific problems: 1) the informal labor 2) illicit trade of high-tariff goods. The Project will provide insights in the extent of shadow economy by conducting a survey on public perception of it and identifying its most important drivers. Findings and policy recommendations will be published in the Shadow Economy Index Report. Recommendations will be advocated towards the decision makers.

Implementation period: March 2019 – May 2020

The project is funded by PMI IMPACT, a global grant initiative by Philip Morris International to support projects against illegal trade and related crimes.


Centre for Policy and Governance with the support of MarketMakers:

• creates the necessary knowledge/research reports to serve as a basis for a comprehensive policy advocacy campaign to amend the legal framework aimed at creating a more favorable and stimulating regulatory context to improve the availability and quality of child care in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

• initiates a discussion on the legal framework and policy in the field of connecting the number of childcare facilities (kindergartens and day care for children) available to families in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

• initiates and conducts an effective advocacy campaign aimed at creating a more favorable and stimulating regulatory context for improving the availability and quality of child care in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

This project has been supported by the Government of Switzerland through MarketMakers project activities.

Duration: 4.1.2021. – 5.5.2021.

Project value: 49.800 BAM


The Centre for Policy and Governance, with the support of the Open Society Foundation BiH is a campaign that will inform the public about measures to (1) tax policy and (2) improve future and increase the transparency of existing forms of organization, which can improve the position of craftsmen / sole proprietors. increased their chances of market success and growth and their bargaining capacity in economic and social dialogue. The expected goals of this campaign are: a. Inform all relevant institutions about the weaknesses of current policies governing crafts/entrepreneurship in BiH; b. Inform all relevant institutions about concrete measures they can implement in order to remove obstacles to the growth of independent entrepreneurial activity; c. Initiate the beginning of the adoption of measures that will improve the position of craftsmen in BiH.

Duration: 1.6.2021. – 30.9.2021.

Project value: 10.300 USD


Centre for Policy and Governance, in cooperation with the FOD BiH (Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina), has started the implementation of the project "Encouraging sustainable and inclusive development in BiH through Circular Economy models", with the aim of promoting development opportunities and encouraging the use of business opportunities for the application of the circular economy model in BiH.

The specific objectives of the project are:

1. To create analytical contents in the field of circular economy which aim to present the very concept adapted to the BiH context, as well as examples from the practice of business models of circular economy.

2. Inform key stakeholders about the very concept, benefits and business models of the circular economy.

3. Support the development of local capacities in the field of circular economy, and initiate the process of connecting and cooperating individuals and organizations active in this field.

Project duration: 12 months

Project budget: 136.430 USD


The project aims to assist the economies of the Western Balkans to create conditions for low-carbon and socially inclusive development by:

1. Generating concrete policy options for coordinated energy sector, fiscal and social protection reforms to reduce the environmental impact of development while fostering more inclusive growth.

2. Producing estimates of the potential for green job creation and recommendations for creating a supportive environment for the creation of green jobs.

3. Creating a push for implementation through peer-learning exchange that brings together key policy makers and experts from the region and beyond.

The project is funded by OECD.

Duration: April 05, 2024 to May 25, 2024



The Center for Policies and Governance, in collaboration with the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina (OSF BiH), has initiated the implementation of the project "Pilot Project: Promoting Circular Economy in the Local Community" with the aim of contributing to unlocking the potential of the circular economy in local self-government units and the business sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Duration: 12 months



This project will set up the Green Agenda Club, as a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to foster sustainable practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) by engaging and involving government officials, private sector stakeholders, civil society organizations, media, and the general public in environmentally friendly initiatives. The platform will serve as a hub for collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and decision-making by organizing roundtable discussions, workshops, meetings, seminars, and conferences on various topics related to sustainable development, such as renewable energy, waste management, and eco-tourism.

The platform will also provide advocacy and outreach efforts to increase public awareness about sustainable development and assist in the development and implementation of green projects and initiatives across the country. By identifying, contacting, and bringing together stakeholders from various sectors, the project team will set up the Green Agenda Club that will be able to facilitate a country-wide coordinated approach to environmental protection, encourage the adoption of green policies and practices, and serve as a catalyst for sustainable development in BiH by promoting collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to the environmental and economic sustainability.


Duration: 6 mjeseci



The raw materials market has seen significant changes in recent years, driven by shifts in global demand, technological advances, and geopolitical factors. These changes have a profound impact on the growth of demand and prices of key critical raw materials (lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, and rare earth materials) needed by the fast-growing renewable energy, consumer electronics, and automotive industries.


Carbon (CO2) pricing is a fiscal instrument that governments use to encourage companies and other emitters to switch to renewable energy sources and adopt new technologies to reduce emissions, to achieve national and international climate goals.


Use of natural materials has been growing continuously in the world. With the current growth rates and population increase rates, global demand will in 2050 require resources of three planets like ours. Current increase in demand, limited supply of certain resources and disrupted supply chain cause a significant increase in prices and threaten to give rise to a new economic crisis, demonstrating the fact that the current models of the use of resources are far from being sustainable, while they may potentially cause instability.


Business organizations approaches to circular economy are based on the concept of circular business model that “articulates the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value to its broader range of stakeholders while minimizing ecological and social costs.”


The last time the minimum wage was determined in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was in 2016, and there is no doubt that it needs to be raised. However, an excessive and sudden increase may lead to undesired consequences and jeopardize the very groups of workers this help is intended for. Inter alia, it may lead to the rise in youth and women unemployment, threaten the competitiveness of private sector and lead to significant rise in wages in public companies, even in cases of workers who currently earn significantly above the minimum wage. Therefore, the key question is how to strike a balance between real needs and unrealistic demands and this analysis is aimed at offering several guidelines to that effect.


We have explored informal markets in the four South-East Europe economies, investigated drivers for engaging in informal activities and provided policy recommendations for reducing the informal sector. The study comprises findings of both primary and secondary research. Primary research included a quantitative survey on a representative sample of around 4 thousand respondents across four countries.


CPU advocates for the broader debate about this topic, which is rather limited today, to support the processes and related decisions. This debate should bring closer divided opinions about ways to maximize contributions of those important assets to the economy and the society as whole. More precisely, we should look into market developments, telecoms’ performances, and business models to address following questions: How to improve the quality and affordability of services; What is an optimal / expected contribution of telecoms to productivity gains and digital economy development?; What are expected financial and fiscal implications/benefits to the economy and citizens of telecom operations in FBiH?; What are necessary deregulations to support effective sector development?


COVID-19 crisis has had a tremendous economic impact in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). It is estimated that the country will enter a recession of 5%, which implies a number of negative economic indicators – decrease in exports, rise of unemployment and possible rise of interest rates, budget instability and the like. Of particular concern is the rise of unemployment and decrease in BH diaspora support, which is very important for the BH economy. COVID-19 has mainly endangered the service sector, i.e. all businesses that depend on the so-called "moment of truth" – the direct contact with customers. There are many micro-enterprises and crafts operating within the service sector, while freelancers are mainly exposed to the crisis due to the decrease in global demand for their services (exports).


The impact of socio-economic factors on student achievements during their education and long-term educational outcomes are one of the challenges that have so far passed under the radar of educational policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In numerous reform efforts to improve the education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a strategy that would address the importance of socio-economic opportunities in the education of individuals was missing, which implies that this issue is not addressed at the educational practices level.


The analysis shows research on how the banking sector in B&H can improve economic growth, and how sector reforms contained in the Extended Fund Facility program with IMF can influence on credit expansion and the stability of the financial sector.


No matter the destiny of the IMF arrangement, for the final finding of the solution when it comes to BH Telecom, it is necessary to conduct the due diligence analysis and to agree upon a plan of future work of BH Telecom as soon as possible.


Bosnia and Herzegovina urgently needs an improvement of business climate and one of the key tools to accomplish this goal is the introduction of electronic services.


This analysis suggests few steps aiming to halt the decrease of the average class size in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and points out the necessity of shifting the focus on teachers' competencies and qualities as a precondition for better education.


The analysis of 'The Advantages of TIMSS Introduction into BiH Educational System' contains conclusions and recommendations for its implementation and suggests that regular conduction of TIMSS is necessary, since this kind of international testing enables continuous monitoring and comparison with other systems and provides a clear picture on what has to be done.

23 June

Response to Crisis: Maximizing telecoms’ contribution to the economic recovery and digital transformation in BiH

The conference is organized by Centre for Policy and Governance (CPU), supported by Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) US. Structured in two panels, this conference brings together decision makers, representatives of the telecom industry and international expertise.

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20 May

Round table „Bh creative industries – Startup for creative entrepreneurs"“

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4 February

Round table: "reform and modernization of State aid as a precondition for economic development"

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